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Non-Discrimination Harassment

Fusion Non-Discrimination Statement

Fusion Charter School prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in educational programs, activities, or employment or on the basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, immigration status, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Fusion requires that school personnel take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so and when he or she witnesses an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.


Boad Policy 5145.3: Nondiscrimination/Harassment


This policy shall apply to all acts constituting unlawful discrimination or harassment related to school activity or to school attendance occurring within a school, and to acts which occur off campus or outside of school-related or school-sponsored activities but which may have an impact or create a hostile environment at school. The Board of Trustees desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access to and opportunities in the district's academic, extracurricular, and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, targeted at any student by anyone, based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.


Unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying, may result from physical, verbal, nonverbal, or written conduct based on any of the categories listed above. Unlawful discrimination also occurs when prohibited conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects a student's ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity; creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; has the effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student's academic performance; or otherwise adversely affects a student's educational opportunities. Unlawful discrimination also includes disparate treatment of students based on one of the categories above with respect to the provision of opportunities to participate in school programs or activities or the provision or receipt of educational benefits or services.


The Board also prohibits any form of retaliation against any individual who reports or participates in the reporting of unlawful discrimination, files or participates in the filing of a complaint, or investigates or participates in the investigation of a complaint or report alleging unlawful discrimination. Retaliation complaints shall be investigated and resolved in the same manner as a discrimination complaint. The Principal or designee shall facilitate students' access to the educational program by publicizing the schools nondiscrimination policy and related complaint procedures to students, parents/guardians, and employees.


Students who engage in unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, retaliation, or bullying, in violation of law, Board policy, or administrative regulation shall be subject to appropriate consequence or discipline, which may include suspension or expulsion when the behavior is severe or pervasive as defined in Education Code 48900.4. Any employee who permits or engages in prohibited discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, retaliation, or bullying, shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


Non-Discrimination and Equivalent Opportunities in Athletic Programs


Fusion Charter School committed to providing gender equity and ensuring nondiscrimination in district and interscholastic athletic programs and activities. The district's athletic program shall be free from discrimination and discriminatory practices. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that equivalent athletic opportunities are provided for males and females. Any complaint regarding the district's athletic program should be filed in accordance with the district's Uniform Complaint Procedures.

Fusion Charter School

441 W. Linwood Avenue, Turlock, California 95380

209.667.9047 | 209.667.9205 fax

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